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Prawn Stars - Game Jam Submission


Lead Programmer


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The game presented is the product of the 7 days "FishFest" Game Jam with "Fish" as theme. This was a team collaboration between Mike Evans, Naomi Daley, Matt Stell and myself.
The aim of this project was to build a range of games of different genres and we decided to start with a Rhythm game due to the longer amount of time provided unlike the common 48 or 72hrs Game Jams.
This project was a lot different from the ones I approached before because I did not have any technical knowledge of building Rhythm games or how to make the timing and the beat work with the input of the player, so the design proposed created the perfect occasion for me to learn and put that in practice.
The role I covered for this project was of Lead Programmer, while assisting with project management and being responsible for source control (Unity Version Control) and troubleshooting.

All assets (audio, art, code, UI) used are made and created for the project. No bought or downloaded assets were included.

The Team:
- Mike Evans: Lead Game & UI Designer, Technical Designer & Project Manager
- Alessia Borriello: Lead Unity Programmer
- Naomi Daley: 2D Artist (Concept, Character, Environment & Props)
- Matt Stell: Audio Designer and Composer




Unity 2022.3.20f1


Windows OS PC / WEBGL

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