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Samsara - Animal Instinct / Reaving Strikes / Flame Wall (Spells)


Gameplay Programmer


I developed these three spells during my Freelancing work for Infinity27 between September and December 2023.
During this time I was constantly communicating and reporting to Designers, Artists and other Developers to ensure the implementations matched the intentions behind the design and their balancing in the game. I was under periodical code reviews and I adjusted my code to the team's feedback.

The spells I developed are:

Mantra: Animal Instinct (0:00)
Avatar: Tiryag
On cast this spell allows to activate the feral instincts given by the animal traits of the avatar. It slows down time to allow the player to think better on the next action to take while surrounded by enemies.

Mantra: Reaving Strikes (00:36)
Avatar: Preta
This skill allows the Preta to leach health from the enemy it damages with its physical attacks. It returns back part of the damage dealt as healed life.

Mantra: Flame Wall (01:29)
Avatar: Naraka
This spell summons columns of fire for 5m in a straight line in the direction the player camera is facing. A powerful spell to quickly gain advantage against numerous foes. It deals fire damage over time when enemies enter in the flames area.




Unreal Engine 5


Windows OS PC

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